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Any press on riot-like problem at Carnival?


Has anyone seen anything in the paper about the near riot Holy Trinity Church's carnival had on Friday night?

The carnival had to shut down early, youth were throwing objects (bottles, rocks, etc) at each other causing damage to parked cars ( so I have been told).

Does anyone else know more?  

I'd certainly like to know more about it. I know that when most organizations hold big events, the police require that the host pay for A LOT of police to attend. I know that every July when the Columbians hold their festival, there are a lot of police there in Foschini Park. They are supposed to be patrolling the event, but usually they are standing together talking, and watching all the Columbian cuties coming and going. There has never been any problems for the police to respond to at that annual event.

I'd like to know if the same standard of police patrol was applied to Holy Trinity Church? My guess is no, will someone please respond.

I was at the carnival before any disturbance took place.  I noticed about 4 Hackensack "Special Police" on the premises.  Are "special police" also called "auxilary police"?  

I did not find any mention of the "riot" in The Record.


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