General Category > Hackensack Discussion

Mini Motorcycles

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Does anyone know if the city has discussed the latest craze on the streets - mini motorcycles ("Pocket Bikes")?

Kids are riding these mini motorcycles on sidewalks, on the side of streets, down the middle of streets, wrong side of the road. Worst of all - most are riding without helmets.

Aside from the wrecklessness - they are difficult to see while driving since the bikes are so low to the ground. Some models of these mini motorcycles can race up to and over 40 MPH.

I haven't seen much in the news about these bikes, but I guess most towns will not deal with them till someone gets hurt.

Eric Martindale:
Call the Police. They are illegal and are a nuisance with noise. When I lived on Park Street, I used to regularly report them. By the way, anyone underage or otherwise without a driver's license should be in big trouble if caught riding one.

I think that the two of you are talking about two different things.  These mini motorcycles that are the new fad are not illegal but I'm not exactly sure why so don't quiz me on it.

My understanding is that if the bike are under a certain "CC" (motor size) they are legal on city, but not county roads.


ABC News on Saturday.

And a YAHOO search in the news....


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