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Clean Communities Day ?

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The Hackensack Mourning Dove Rest Room Arch is in need of a cleansing rain.

Click to enlarge.

CLEANUP DAY: Saturday 10/26/2019 is Clean Communities Day, aka Slam Dunk the Junk. The event is held twice a year, and draws over 200 people. It's mostly non-profits and churches that are organizing volunteers to clean various areas.  We clean most of the city's parks, nature areas, the riverfront, the railroads, etc.

9 AM: Registration & Free Breakfast: Volunteers meet at the HACPAC Performing Arts Center on State & Atlantic Street. They give out bags and gloves.  Lots of food.

10AM; Volunteers disperse to their designated cleanup locations. My group is sponsored by The Summit Church, and we are cleaning Borg's Woods.

12 noon: Return to HACPAC, free lunch, T-shirts, and other gifts. Tell them how many bags were left to remove. Free lunch is provided, again lots of food.

It's all paid for by a State grant available to any city or town that wants to participate. Come hungry, there's always lots of food. Hackensack has one of the largest and best programs running. It's coordinated by Greg Liosi, Director of the Arts Dept in Hackensack.

there was the most phenomenal turnout ever for the Cleanup Day. It looked like 250 - 300 people, so many that the organizers are having a hard time keeping up with everything. They ran out of plates, they ran out of shirts and give aways, but they did have enough food. The Riverkeeper group alone turned out 79 volunteers to clean the riverfront from Route 4 to the northern tip of Hackensack. I saw Councilman Sims down there, greeting some of the volunteers.


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