General Category > Hackensack Discussion

My favorite paper is not having a good day

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Fives & Flubs: two of the first and 17 of the second.

This HAS to be a first. It's bad enough that I find 18-20 errors in the paper every 10-14 days, but 17 flubs in THREE days? And ELEVEN of them came from the nimble fingers of writer Mr. MetScribe? (#11 is a doozie)

EGAD! That's truly shameful.

3-12: 7

3-13: 3

3-14: 2

3-15: 2

3-16: 2

3-17: 4

Victor E Sasson:

--- Quote from: ericmartindale on March 10, 2019, 03:36:15 PM ---I didn't know the Whole Foods / Amazon merger resulted in lower prices.

--- End quote ---

Yes, Eric. It got off to a slow start, but now there are deals all over Whole Foods in Paramus. And there always were reasonable prices on Whole Foods' budget line, 365 Everyday Value, including pasta sauces, salsas, organic whole wheat pasta from Italy and so forth. Plus, there are plenty of bottles of wine under $6, including one of my favorites, a Carmenere from Chile for $5.99. If you buy 6 bottles of wine, you get another 10% off. You can still find expensive items. But if you download the Whole Foods app, you'll find a list of items on sale every week, including organic pears and apples for $1.99 a pound. But it's best to shop early in the day for sale items, which tend to run out. Cheers

Victor E Sasson:
I still need help with a technical issue. Oldest items appear first under every topic and I have to scroll down each time through a long list of posts. How do I get newest items on top??????

We've had this discussion before, Victor.......,3582.msg12937.html#msg12937


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