Author Topic: My favorite paper is not having a good day  (Read 842611 times)

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #30 on: September 16, 2017, 11:08:21 AM »
Today's crop of problem children includes a small one on the Business page and a boatload of doozies on one Sports page:

1. What kind of tax rate?

2. "Mets Notes" squared and a sandwich of two images

3. A red heading in an unusual place

4, 5. Two more double-image sandwiches, with one of the pictures sitting in two separate articles

Nice to see they're making an effort to fix things.

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2017, 01:16:38 PM »
1, 2. Two "is" problems: the first isn't needed and the second one is missing an "h".

3. This is in today's (Monday's) paper, but it was clearly written for yesterday's paper: "today's game" was played yesterday and "Monday's festivities" are tonight. Stale news.

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #32 on: September 19, 2017, 02:00:03 PM »
This is REALLY screwy!

Two different problems popped up in print and online today: connecting stories from a main page to their conclusion on another page and maintaining the same content between print and online editions. And - surprise, surprise - they happened in today's Sports section.

Let's start with the Yankees article: the print and online editions both start the same on page 1S. The second image shows the correct continuation of the split sentence/word online on page 6S, while the third image shows that the rest of the 1S sentence has vanished in the print edition on 6S. In addition, the first four words in the 6S print edition are the last four words of the second 6S paragraph in the online version. If that's not bad enough, the third online 6S paragraph has been omitted in the print edition on 6S. After that point, they're the same.

As for the Giants story, the same beginning pattern emerges: both editions are identical on page 1S and the second image shows the correct continuation of the split sentence/word online on page 3S, but the third image shows that the print edition not only is missing the rest of the split sentence from 1S, but the entire rest of the story is completely different from the online version, which discusses what happened at certain points in the game, while the print edition discusses individual team members.

So much for the supposedly-identical online edition that print subscribers get access to...

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2017, 01:12:35 PM »
My 3,000th post!

1. Should read, "arrived in Miami"

2. Probably should read, "...I could tell during the season that my muscles probably weren't going to be able to keep up". This might also work: "...probably weren't able to keep up". Either one makes a lot more sense that what was printed.

3. It's as plan as the nose on your face that this is just plain wrong.

4. On September 7, I posted The Record's (mis)use of this same picture and caption in a different article. Still, no one there has even bothered to actually look at the picture and notice the obvious error in direction. I'll bet it happens again.

5. Read the quote from Paterson's historical preservation director. Hamilton faces the falls and if people want to take selfies with the statue and have the falls in the background, they'd be taking pictures of Hamilton's back. That might also be a pretty good reason to kill the plan.

6. Lastly, I give you something that's not really an error, but maybe could be worded differently. Until then, let's all say a prayer for this unfortunate individual who gets hit with this every 40 seconds.

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2017, 01:30:00 PM »
And the sports section keeps bumbling along...........

1. Happy last day of summer!

To commemorate the occasion, The Record used a very stale suggestion today in the below caption. Hurry! There are only a few hours left!

2. This story is about a very unfortunate incident that occurred at Yankee Stadium yesterday, where a 2 year-old girl was hit in the face by a 100+mph line-drive foul ball. The latest I heard is that she's OK, but no real details were provided. Subject matter aside, read the two paragraphs marked with a red X and then the two marked with a red O. Filler? The small red underline shows a new word that causes confusion by adding an "H" for some odd reason.

3. Talk about stale! Since today is Thursday, this sounds like it's about a game next Wednesday, but it's actually about the game that the Yankees won yesterday afternoon...............not late last night - yesterday afternoon.

4. Why is there a comma in this sentence when "and" is already there?

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #35 on: September 22, 2017, 12:17:38 PM »
1. Obvious (but I circled it anyway)

2. What's with those 3 words with no punctuation between the two paragraphs? It's supposed to be one of those mini-headlines in boldface that has spaces above and below to introduce a new subject within an article...............but somebody forgot to do all that. It just looks like sloppiness.

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #36 on: September 23, 2017, 12:00:00 PM »
1. Space limitations require that newspapers sometimes have to split words and continue them on the next line and the proper way to do that is to make the split between syllables.

It's quite sloppy-looking (and somewhat ignorant) when papers just split words anywhere they feel like it, but this goes beyond that. What would be the reason for splitting the unsplittable word, "ALL"?

As the second sentence shows, there's enough room in the top line to include the ridiculously-split word AND the next word.

2. Obvious

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #37 on: September 24, 2017, 03:07:01 PM »
1. If that second "single" was in parentheses, it might work if the story was about marital statuses. Unfortunately............

2.  "view son"? Misplaced space.

3. The problem with this is that it's a quote...........did the guy actually say "collect" instead of "collected"? I'm betting he didn't.

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day - MAJOR ERROR
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2017, 03:59:59 PM »
There are other errors in the sports section today, but there's one unforgivable MAJOR flub that overshadows everything else.


Attention City Council, HHS football coach Wimberly, players, parents, and all residents:

How does this stupidity happen?

Click to enrage enlarge:

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #39 on: September 26, 2017, 01:42:06 PM »
1. On the front page of today's Local section of the newspaper's print edition, there's an article about a proposed new road through FDU-Teaneck. You can see that it is to be continued on page 3L.

When you get to 3L, there's no story anywhere about an FDU road on that page or anywhere else. There is a continuation from 1L of a story about flags, but there's no story about flags on 1L, so we have the beginning of one story and the end of another with the missing pieces nowhere to be found..................except if you read the online edition instead of print.

There on 3L is the continuation of the FDU road story, right where the end of the flags story is in the print edition. The online edition has NO story anywhere in that section about flags.

2,3. On to the daily problem child - the Sports section, where we find a supposed quote from Jets head coach Todd Bowles and one from the Yankees Gary Sanchez.

The first problem should be obvious. In the second one, did someone actually see "your" coming out of Gary's mouth instead of the correct "you're"? I don't think so.

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #40 on: September 27, 2017, 01:51:32 PM »
1. The Record acknowledged the incomplete FDU/new road story that ran in yesterday's paper and printed the full story today. Still no sign, however, of the flags story.

2. When a sports photo's caption mentions a player in the photo that also shows other players, it usually uses a photo where that player's number is visible and mentions the number in the caption to distinguish that player from the others. The problem here is that there are no other players in this photo of Aaron Judge, so what's the point of including the number in the caption? To ID his batting helmet?

3. Lately, most of the captions are as dull as dishwater and not always accurate. This photo shows two players just standing around - one with a basketball tucked under her arm, but according to the caption, they're warming up. Unless the gym's thermostat suddenly went haywire, I don't see how that could be occurring at the moment shown.

The dullest generic caption occurs when more than one person is shown. The first person is mentioned and it always says that the second person "looks on" - a meaningless/useless phrase that shows not a drop of thought or imagination. They've used it quite a bit lately.............let's see how long it takes before that little gem pops up again (remember a Beatles' song called, "It Won't Be Long"?).

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #41 on: September 28, 2017, 04:30:02 PM »
Two in one article today in consecutive paragraphs:

1. "Marrone quit as Bills COACH after..."

2. Another unnecessary comma because "and" is already there (IN BOTH!).

Fortunately, I don't even read the whole sports and football, some basketball and maybe a little local, but that's usually it.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2017, 01:02:50 PM by BLeafe »
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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #42 on: September 29, 2017, 01:05:00 PM »
1. There are a pair of twins in the NFL who play for different teams: Devin and Jason McCourty. During the course of a single sentence, the paper spelled Devin's last name correctly, but not Jason's. The worst part is that - in print and online - one surname is right on top of the other, making it super-easy to spot the mistake..............if anyone there was paying attention.

2. "exercises"?

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #43 on: October 02, 2017, 02:00:29 PM »
1a. The word should be "found". Everything else in the sentence is past tense, so this has to be too.

1b. This is something that I found in the online version, but not in the print edition (my computer did the squiggly underline). It's only missing 8 spaces.

2. There's a "he" missing after the comma.

3. "...he announced shortly."? It probably should read "...he announced shortly after the game."

4. This is a two-parter. Robin Ventura's name was misspelled in the first part, but is OK in the second, which is odd because the same writer wrote both articles. As you read the paper, the correct one came first and I know that the writer knows how to spell Robin's name. Auto-correct and nobody checked?

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Re: My favorite paper is not having a good day
« Reply #44 on: October 03, 2017, 02:17:57 PM »
1. In a larger context, maybe managing at the major league level IS all about beer.

2. What exactly is Aaron Judge practicing in this picture? Walking away from the batting cage? Another empty caption.

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