General Category > Hackensack Discussion

Hackensack schools, facilities upgrade, new school

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Victor E Sasson:
MAIL-IN BALLOT reveals average property tax hike of $308.66 for 30 years:

I find it astounding that the famously liberal Democrat, Victor Sasson, is coming out against public education. The same liberal who blasts Christie and Trump repeatedly on his blog and supports all the most liberal Democratic politicians.

Has Victor ever thought that the value of his house would GO DOWN in a school district so overcrowded with kids that the school system eventually resorts to renting trailers for classrooms. That's what they do in the majority-Latino neighborhoods of Newark when classroom space runs out.  And by the way, you can be sure that the 3 sending districts will stop sending if the high school is absurdly overcrowded and the school has to start renting trailers. And what do you think will happen to the high school's performance and test scores if there are classes in trailers and the 3 sending districts contribution reduces even further.

Also key to the entire plan is to create a new junior high school (grades 7, 8, and 9) so prestigious and filled with new technology that it will be sort of like a magnet school. This contrasts greatly with the existing Middle School (grades 5, 6, 7, 8) that has been somewhat stigmatized for decades. Most parents in Hackensack feel that the Middle School is "the weak link", and perhaps that is not justified, unsure. In any case, that entire problem will be gone. And that's also something that affects property values.

So readers, if you don't care about your kids, and if you are not a liberal and don't care about  defending public education, vote YES to preserve the value of your house.  I think that everyone planning on selling their house within the next 5 or 10 years would be eager to vote YES, because they'll get it all back and then some when they sell their house.

Oh, and I mentioned one more thing. If the referendum passes, the State kicks in over $40 million towards the construction. If the referendum fails, lots of the work will still be done, but without any State contribution. Oh wait, that's another reason for the taxpayer-conscious voter to vote YES.

I'm not 100% on board with their decision on what and where to build, and I would have done something different, but to vote "NO" at this point would be insane.


Mayor's letter seeking postponement of referendum:

I saw that on Facebook.  It's short-sighted. Yes, taxes go up but you'll get it all back when you sell the house in 5, 10, or 20 years. Hackensack will be a much better place with schools that are not overcrowded, with free pre-K for 4 year olds, with a stunning "magnet" school for grades 7, 8, and 9, and with all the schools having air conditioning and security upgrades. All of that is surely worth something when you sell the house

So who's going to vote against it. Renters are going to vote "yes", and especially those with children. Homeowner families with children in the school system or soon to enter will vote "yes". Many people who plan to sell their house in a few years and retire somewhere will vote "yes" because it'll increase their house sale value. It's people who meet ALL of the following criteria that are most likely to vote against it, which are no kids in the schools, own their house, and not planning to move for at least 20 years. And some of those people will still vote YES because they are very progressive minded and want to support public education. And the vote is deliberately timed for the day after MLK Jr Day to tap into the feeling that education is a civil right.

And even then, people who are thinking of voting "No" will still flip and vote "Yes" because a No vote passes up over $40 million in State aid.

Folks, it's going to pass, and the turnout will be much higher than most people think.



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