Author Topic: Modular house going up on Clinton Place  (Read 2638 times)

Offline BLeafe

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Modular house going up on Clinton Place
« on: October 29, 2021, 04:35:15 PM »
I got a tip from a certain Editor this morning that a modular house was being put together on Clinton Place, right next to the Holy Trinity Church parking lot. When I got there, I saw a man taking pictures inside the fence and asked him whom I should speak with to get similar access.

"Me - I'm the owner", said long-time local realtor David Beyer, who had a really bad 2020 when his house burned down just before the pandemic hit.

The ground floor was already in place. He told me that the second floor components were being brought in today and will be put together next week.

"How long do you think that will take?"

"About 3 hours."

I've never seen a house get put together that quickly, so I think I'd like to shoot that and add to it this thread. Let's hope I don't oversleep that day.

Today's pix (click the panoramic PANO shots to fully-enlarge):

1. (PANO) The ground floor

2. (PANO) I'm standing in the entranceway (or is it a picture window?). The slivers of wall that you see on the far right and left ends are the same wall in whose plane I'm standing. This is a 180-degree shot. The near steel beam is more curved than the distant beam because it's closer to the top - sort of like the effect you get with a fisheye lens.

3. Nice view of Holy Trinity's rear end.

4. Owner David Beyer (is that a second entranceway? It looks more door-like than the other one)

5. (PANO) The full side view showing three second-floor should be interesting seeing these flying through the air next week.

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Offline BLeafe

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Re: Modular house Day 2 - 11-1-21 8am
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2021, 11:11:47 AM »
I was told things were to start at 7am………”That’s nice - I don’t!” - but I DID get there around 8am……………and things didn’t start flying through the air until after 9am.

There were some interesting scenes to shoot before things got underway:

1. The sunlight! The shapes! The early AM shadows (I’m the shadow with the very long legs)! Even the clouds………..I love this shot! This is exactly the kind of structure I really want to shoot when it’s up in the air hanging from a crane.

2-4. Here are a couple more.

5. And here’s how I hope the crane looks when it does it.

6. Why are 7” of a tape measure sticking out of a Hackensack garbage can?

7. Pure art

8,9. Unpacking the modules

10,11,12. Liftoff! (Module 1)

13. Liftoff! (Module 2)

14,15. Liftoff! (Module 3)

16,17. Smaller roof pieces are installed.

At this point, between lunch and other smaller pieces to be installed, I had some things I needed to do at home (4 blocks away), so I gathered four of the main people involved in this project and told them I needed a consensus opinion about how long it would be until the big pieces would be flying though the air. The answer: at least 2 hours. When I mentioned that I needed to go home to do some things, but I HAD to be back in time to photograph these flying objects, one of them offered to call me and asked for my phone number.

I mentioned that it was my HOME number - the same number that I had called him from the previous day, so he probably already had it. Just the same, he wanted to write it down - just to be sure.

I appreciated the fact that I would definitely be getting a call and wouldn’t miss the house’s crowning moment and so I left.

After getting most of the things done that I needed to do at home, I noticed it was already past 2 hours later, but figured typical delays had popped up, so I finished my tasks.

18. It was now nearly 3 hours later, so I thought I’d better head back. And what’s the first thing I see?

The house looked fully-formed, meaning that everything I REALLY wanted to shoot had already flown through the air and been installed!

I found the guy who said he’d call me in time.

“What the @!#?”

“I texted you.”

“You texted a landline? You said you’d call”……………..and things went downhill from there.

19,20. I took a couple more shots and left.

So there’s the house.

There were a couple of other cameras there taking pictures that day. If anyone managed to get good shots of the things I didn’t get to shoot, feel free to post them below.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2021, 11:32:42 AM by BLeafe »
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