General Category > Hackensack Discussion

Hackensack River Eco-tourism

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For those who don't know, the Teaneck Greenway advisory board has been corrupted.  There are two homeowners along the Greenway who firmly and absolutely do not want the greenway coming through their property. So they got seats on the Board with the intent of making sure that no steps are taken to advance the project in any significant way. The worst of the offenders lives between the Indian burial ground near Pomander Walk and Terheune Park. And most ironically, the homes there sit very far from the river and on a high bluff. It would be no great loss to the properties if a 30-foot wide pubic access corridor was established along the river.  Good chance this misspelled woman's name is one of the two selfish rotten riverfront homeowners who control the direction of that Board. And the rest of the Board just follows their lead. 

But the real shame on this is the Teaneck Mayor and Council for allowing that type of corruption to happen.



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