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2004 School Board Election (Topic closed).

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School Board Election Poll. 

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The following is a Record Article about the upcoming School Board Election:

Click:School board challengers look to build on success

Aside from new computers and an after-school program, what are the other issues?  Which candidates would like to see property taxes raised?  Which candidates will look for creative ways to find money for these needed programs? What other programs should be started? Eliminated?

Lets start a discussion thread here on this election and get people involved.

For once I want to see someone address the ANNUAL tax increases we as residents continue to get from the BOE.  Its completely unacceptable and irresponible of city, county, state, federal officials and the BOE.

No one has ever addressed the "one time" tax increase a few years ago to build the 5/6 school.  For a one time tax increase, I never saw my taxes go down the following year or there after.

With the lack of funding from the state and the planned tax increase from the county, this year's tax increase should be interesting.

There is only one month until the election and I don't know the issues or the candidates.

I had hoped that the candidates would post their platforms and positions in this message board.

I never know what's happening in school board elections which is why I almost never vote.

bee bee 28:
I would like to know what the candidates plan to do about the hundreds of ilegal students in the school system.  these illegally registered students are costing taxpayers big bucks in the form of higher school taxes.  had something been done a few years ago, there would have been no need at all for the 5-6 school to be built.  Bergenfield had the right idea a few years ago, and they removed a couple of hundred students that did not live-and legitimately live-in their district.  just because grandma or an uncle live in Hackensack doesnt mean you have the right to send your out of town kids here!

Very Good Point!  Something must be done about out of town kids attending school in town.


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