Author Topic: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue  (Read 327428 times)

Offline SackResident

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #30 on: April 20, 2009, 06:05:08 PM »

What facts am I light on?   I know most citizens that I have spoken to are against this building going up, as am I.  The fact that the current council may have "dropped the ball" is the issue, not the fact that I am voting for Citizens for Change(1-5).  Do you think they handled the situation correctly? 

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #31 on: April 20, 2009, 07:11:29 PM »
There is no issue here. Challengers need to make issues. 

As a city employee, I prefer to stay out of municipal politics and typically refrain from commenting in threads like this.  On the other hand, I don't want visitors walking away with the wrong impression. When I read accounts of second-hand, annoymous, legal opinions about things that "likely" occured, I raise a yellow flag.   

Albert Dib
« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 07:38:29 PM by Editor »

Offline SackResident

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #32 on: April 21, 2009, 06:45:53 AM »
I encourage you and all city residents to ask a lawyer about this and I'm sure they will get the same response.  Wake up Hackensack.  Inquire about this issue.

Offline Prospect Avenue Coalition

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2009, 08:25:05 AM »
Prospect/Summit Avenue are organizing and we will look into this "legal" issue. Some things to note:

1. When the Mayor and some of the City Council got up to speak they did so as residents and not in their official capacity and as a courtesy to their official role they allowed them to speak before the public.
2. The applicant's attorney reminded the Zoning Board to remain impartial.
3. The present Mayor and crew got alot of votes from Prospect Avenue due to their support of the resident's position against Excelsior III.
4. We had already established that the applicant had received inherently beneficial use so our purpose should be to keep the project scaled down although if we can present obstacles or alternatives ie moving the project to another zone then that is another day before the 2 year construction begins.
5. The petitions are for the Mayor/Council to see how much the residents really don't want this project not and possibly for them to measure how many votes they might get if they support the issue. All of us including the Mayor realize that this is an election year and supporting the residents wants is what gets people voted in. We have to acknowledge their support of the fight against Excelsior III has helped to keep them off the block up to today.
6. The Zoning Board questioned the applicant regarding how he selected this Summit/Prospect location and also asked why not the zoned area down by Atlantic so it may be up to the Mayor/Council to find a parcel with possible incentives tax or otherwise to lure the applicant away from the site in question.

Offline SackResident

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #34 on: April 22, 2009, 09:21:35 PM »

1)They did so as the mayor and council and were introduced as the Mayor an Council at the zoning Bd. meeting. They were acting as the City Council.
2)Only the zoning bd. attorney was impartial. The City attorney was there and he was not impartial. By the way the City attorney reviews alot of the zoning Board attorneys work. Isn't that a contradiction of staying impartial.
3)This case is still in litigation and under appeal. Could go on for years at a huge expense. There are better ideas out there.
4)Is minimizing the impact and getting the most from the developer a good thing? I say it is if the building is going up.
5)You CANNOT PETITION the City of Hackensack "It's the law" The current council enforced it in 2008 "1600 signatures"
6)He already owns the property. don't you remember the term they used was captured.
Now I know Mr. Editor will be all over me but oh well. Each thing I listed is true and factual. By the way haw can someone say they are not political on this forum and openly endorse a slate of Bd. of Ed candidates. His statement, though it may be factual is a political endorsement just as my factual statements are not a political endoresement.

Offline Homer Jones

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #35 on: April 22, 2009, 09:34:04 PM »
Have no fear: Judge Jonathan Harris is going to have a field day with this one.

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #36 on: April 22, 2009, 10:14:04 PM »
To be clear, I said "I prefer to stay out of municipal politics and typically refrain from commenting in threads like this".  

My "endorsement" was in a school board election (not municipal). The school board is a separate entity. Also- my comments were directed towards the quality and character of those I know and support.  I did not comment on the motivations, judgment or decisions of the opposing candidates. I think negative campaigning skews the facts and am always skeptical when I hear it, in this or any election.  

SackResident: I respectfully disagree with your assessment of the facts or outcome, but I'll leave it there. I'm happy to host frank, honest discussions on these boards. That's one reason why I set up the boards 5 years ago and I'm glad people are using it.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 10:15:56 PM by Editor »

Offline SackResident

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2009, 04:12:57 PM »
I find it hard to believe that someone with your inteligence could not figure out the ties of your endorsed Bd of Ed candidates to the MHF council ticket. Wow, even their literature used the same mailing permit. Go figure. It is ok to pick sides just don't pretend not too. People will like you better if they know you are not dancing around an issue, especially as an editor of a blog. Back to this big building on Summit. I went online and checked campaign contributions to the encumbants ticket. I find it very disturbing that Joe Basrallian (attorney for the applicant) has donated a large chunk of money to them this year already with possibly more to come. He also donated a large sum when they ran last time. At that time I believe he was doing a project for the hospital. NO special interest there? Wake up folks. Most of thier campaign money came from outside of Hackensack.

Offline just watching

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #38 on: April 26, 2009, 01:42:21 AM »
Hey SackResident,

Whatever you do, don't say one negative thing about Ken Zisa on this website.  That's when the real trouble starts.  Of course, I am completely muzzled in my ability to say anything specifically negative about him, or I could be sued.  That's the whole idea of the lawsuit, and it is definately working. But I can say that I don't like him and I don't support him politically.  I'm just "not allowed" to say why.

I like this council, especially Melfi.  Melfi's personal committment to Summit Avenue, to preserving the integrity of the city's zoning ordinance, and to property Maintenance matters citywide cannot be understated.  The amount of time and effort he's put in on these issues is amazing, just ask Zoning Officer Joe Mellone.  My biggest issue with the City Council is their relationship with Ken Zisa.  Frankly, I would be open to the idea of new faces on the council, just to help diminish the political power base of Ken Zisa.  I openly support taking measures to weaken the power base of Ken Zisa. This has to be done within the Democratic Party, and I advocate that all Democrats vote for any Republican opposing him in any future election for ANY office. (Hey, I still haven't say anything specifically about him, so I can't be sued.)

However, that being said, it is clear to me that these Citizens For Change challengers absolutely do not fit the shoes of a Mayor and Council.  I don't think that Citizens for Change knows the relationship between ratables and taxes, or how homeless facilities lower property values and destroy the tax base as well as the economic climate of our downtown.  I cannot support them.  Who knows, they might be happy with these 3 houses on Summit Avenue being used as homeless shelters, just as long as the Nursing home is built elsewhere.

The real Hackensack insiders know there is an on-again, off-again rift between Ken Zisa and Lynne Hurwitz.  (One of Lynne's closest political cronies is Loretta Weinberg....just connect the dots). If you recall, Lynne Hurwitz's group interviewed and ran candidates for City Council in the Spring of 2005, and there was tremendous behind-the-scenes dispute over this whole matter.  Jack Zisa and his running mates retired undefeated, and the new council ran and became the new administration.  I recall that all the Zisa's were upset with the change. Councilman Roger Mattei was besides himself with frustration, that he was just pushed aside after 16 years of total loyalty.  Loyalty is something he values the highest. He thought it was a total stab in the back, and to some extent he was right. Mark Stein thought it would be a 4-year intermission, that the new council would be discredited by tax increases, and he'd come back to run again either for Mayor or for City Council. He's not getting that opportunity (yet), and that's probably why he's running now for the School Board.  Whether he wins or loses, we haven't seen the last of Mark Stein.

In my humble opinion, Ken Zisa is supporting this current council just to maintain a political base in his home town, out of political expediency.  I suspect that Ken Zisa would have been much happier with his brother still as Mayor.  It is well known that his great loyalty is to Joe Ferreiro, and vis versa.  The current council is happy to have his support, because the Hackensack Police have a substantial political influence in Hackensack and throughout Bergen County.  But I don't think the council ever took any orders from Ferreiro. And they certainly aren't beholden to Joe Basralian just because he gave a donation. All the big-shot lawyers donate to candidates.

As for the Summit Ave project, I'm unsure if the Council's action in opposing the project carries the legal burden it's been alleged to.  If anything, they may open themselves to being personally sued. Historically, incumbant elected officials are usually fearful of taking a stand on Zoning and Planning Board cases.

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #39 on: April 26, 2009, 09:39:22 AM »
SackResident: I searched the NJ campaign contributors database and don't find any donations to the incumbents from Basralian in this, or any city election.  Can you specify what database you used? 

Justwatching:  You are just so knowledgeable. You must write for NJPolitics.

Chief Zisa's career public service speaks for itself. As for recent defamatory statements again him, the judge said there's enough evidence to move the case forward and denied the defendant's motion to dismiss the case.

Just some housekeeping: This thread is about Summit Avenue, not the election. If need be, start a new thread.  We have one already for the 2009 election.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 07:45:35 PM by Editor »

Offline regina

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #40 on: April 26, 2009, 10:03:44 PM »

I am not SackResident, but I also found this donation on - Public Information. I searched under Karen Sasso. It is in their filing dated 4/13/09.

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #41 on: April 27, 2009, 02:07:48 AM »
Thanks Peanut.  Yes, I did find the $500 donation from Mr. Basralian.  Is this the "large chuck" of money that SackResident referred to? I also see that the challengers accepted $2,000 from NAI Hansen and Associates, an international real estate firm.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 03:22:19 AM by Editor »

Offline regina

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #42 on: April 27, 2009, 06:47:22 AM »
The problem I have with the donation from Basralian is the date - March '09. I believe he has donated to them before, but it this date is while this Summit application is pending. Does NAI have anything pending with the other candidates?

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2009, 09:35:40 AM »
Did Basralian's donation in the 2005 election (also $500) have anything to do with the Summit application? Of course not.  Obviously he was a supporter then too.  Trust me when I say that no one thinks they can buy Summit Avenue for $500.  I only point out the NAI donation for the record.  Candidates can accept money from supporters without being beholden.

Offline regina

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Re: 24-story tower for Summit Avenue
« Reply #44 on: April 27, 2009, 09:51:45 AM »
Mr. Basralian donated more than $500 in 2005, individually and through his firm. The timing of this donation and the ongoing connection to the administration is what raises my interest in this subject.

