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Messages - Rosie

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Hackensack Discussion / Re: HUMC Expansion
« on: August 08, 2008, 12:59:21 AM »
It seems that all postings here do not include that the one million dollars was NOT included in the developers agreement and so there for they do not have to pay. Also over the months the city manager and city council along with the mayor have been unable to answer any questions from the residents. They said centrally located but they are not going to be they are south of the hospital.City says NO CHARGE to residents then says yes your insurance will be billed no insurance good luck. As for training it is NOT the hospital personnel BUT a third party agency that is not licensed by the State of New Jersey. They also have no mutual aid agreement with neighboring towns so if they are busy oh well you wait. They are depending on GPS units to get to your location and no drills with our fire dept. The city manager at meetings has stated that it was his doing to get rid of the EMT's not the hospital. As for the 600 thousand that to is a joke and there is no cap that he claims they can fill out a need of necessity form to over ride that so there you go citizens of Hackensack YOU are duped and should attend the meetings and see how their 5 minute rule goes and no answers and no negotiations on their part at all. As for the experience that these replacements have they have been advertising for 0-3 years experience needed. Residents need to unite NOW!! Oh yes and to all the residents the city manager IS NOT a resident, but says he needs to cut back on things so why does he have a city car and use our money for gas back and forth to Mahwah (34 miles a day) and the city manager is supposed to be a resident after 30 days taking office.. so there you go .... Oh yes citizens it only costs a family roughly $ 4.00 / month for our current EMS to stay and no if this goes through we have been told that our taxes will not decrease because of the take over BUT more property now taken off the tax roles of our city. And don't forget the new building on Anderson Street(off the tax roles) that the city has purchased for over 1 million dollars ( and not with the million from the hospital that they still never received) in a crunch time and it is costing over one hundred thousand to renovate. With the hospital deleting services that have not made money what makes all think that they would not do it us since they have done it once already and we had to scramble to get our own ambulance service going.

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