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Messages - itsme

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Hackensack Discussion / Re: High School - Band
« on: September 27, 2005, 09:36:26 PM »
Kudos to the much improved Hackensack High School Band.  I had a chance to listen to them at the last three high school games and really enjoyed the halftime.  For a small band, they are packing a big punch.

Hackensack Discussion / Main Street Restaurants
« on: September 24, 2005, 11:20:13 PM »
Thank you for the menu.  I went to the restaurant tonight.  The food is great and the prices are low. 

Hackensack Discussion / Main Street Restaurants
« on: September 24, 2005, 04:29:17 PM »
I understand a restaurant named Mangos has opened on Main Street.  I am told this is the restaurant owned by Queen Latifah.  Has anyone heard if this is true?  Maybe the answer to lower Main Street is to make it a restaurant-night club row like those in Hoboken.  Parking in the municipal garage could be used to accomodate those businesses after a certain hour.

Hackensack Discussion / Re: Senate Race: District 37
« on: September 24, 2005, 04:19:16 PM »
So what happens now?

Hackensack Discussion / Re: Main St.
« on: August 29, 2005, 12:12:26 AM »
Sorry, its already closed like so many other stores on the lower half of Main Street.

Hackensack Discussion / Queen Latifah Restaurant?
« on: August 25, 2005, 07:53:15 AM »
My comment is not really about the issue of the homeless but rather the article on the diversity of the restaurants on Main Street.  What a great story.  About a month ago, I was listening to radio station WBLS FM.  The DJ mentioned that Queen Latifah would be opening a restaurant in Hackensack.  Has anyone heard anything on the subject?  I know that Latifah has ties to Hackensack and this could possibly be true.

Hackensack Discussion / Re: EXCELSIOR III
« on: August 23, 2005, 08:09:29 PM »
The City should continue its "no" position to the building of the Excelsior III over the railroad tracks or anywhere in the vicinage of Prospect Avenue.  This area is already overcrowded with limited parking.  Additionally, the sewer system has not be udpated to accomodate the units already on Prospect.  Water continues to flow down the hill flooding the neighborhoods below.  On a rainy day, I invite each of you to visit Third Street to view the waterfall coming from the property located behind Quail Heights and the old Brewster property.  The basements of the homes there are being damaged by this continuous overflow which has been brought to the attention of the past administrations but has not been addressed.

Hackensack Discussion / Re: Blue law exceptions (Can sell on Sunday)
« on: August 07, 2005, 06:57:21 PM »
Womrath's Book Store was open on Sundays during the Christmas Holiday Season.  If I recall, the hours were from 12 to 5.   I worked there as a young adult.

Hackensack Discussion / Re: Civilian Complaint Review Board
« on: July 24, 2005, 02:01:56 AM »
Touche' Hamburglar.  You got me on that one.  Personal attacks are not warranted and I hope my overzealousness can be forgiven. 

The Carver Park meeting took place on May 17, 2005 a week after the municipal election but was scheduled for that date prior to the election.  The June forum was a forum similar to the one held in Englewood.  That forum was in the planning before the Englewood forum but individuals involved in both helped to get the Englewood Forum off earlier.  In any event, the forum was for parents and young people.  It's purpose was to make our youth aware of their personal responsibility.  While the meeting did veer off of that subject, one police officer from Teaneck, born and raised in Hackensack, did stress that point.  I attended the meeting with my young son.  Discussion involved how things can get escalated simply by the way you respond to a police stop.  Do not be confrontational.  Yelling and screaming serves no purpose other than to blow the situation out of proportion.  Stay away from those who you know are troublemakers.  If you feel that you have been treated unfairly by a police officer, take note of his name, badge# or license number and then file a complaint.  This forum was scheduled not to point a finger at the police but to make sure our youth know what their responsibility is when a police officer approaches them.   This issue is a two way street.  As any parent knows, our children are not always right (eventhough we would like to believe so).  Likewise, a few of our police officers are not always right in their actions.  Checks and balances.

I disagree with Devil's opinion of Larry Riley.  The Dunns do not belong to this organization.

As for Average Joe, your points are well taken even if I don't agree with most of them. 

Hackensack Discussion / Re: Civilian Complaint Review Board
« on: July 22, 2005, 10:12:12 PM »
I am a member of the Concerned Citizens Organization.  Deborah Keeling-Geddis came to about 2 meetings but none in the last 4 months.  The group has only been in existence for approximately 5 months.  She is certainly not a spokesperson for the group.  

You are right, the police chief did request that one individual leave.  The other left because she felt the request was unfair and that the meeting should not continue.  Despite that, it was decided by the President and members of the group that this was an important issue that concerned the neighborhood and was not a political issue and since the police chief had agreed to meet with us, and we had his attention and attendance, it should go on despite those two individuals who felt it should not.  The meeting was conducted in a fair and impartial manner and when it became unruly, those individuals were advised that this was a meeting to discuss concerns and not one in which disrespectful comments would be allowed.    I am involved because I believe that these issues should be addressed in a manner that is beneficial to all.  I am involved not to cause a divide in this community.  I also believe that the community policing programs have relieved some of these issues and that those programs should continue.  I am involved because I believe that the civilian complaint review board would help to relieve the distrust that many in that neighborhood have for some police officers.  I believe that all drug dealers and offenders of the law should be dealt with in accordance with the law and that those who do not involve themselves in unlawful activities should be treated with respect.  I stand by my statement that I have no political agenda and the group has no political agenda.  I cannot persuade those who believe otherwise and feel that I do not have to persuade them.  Maybe your staunch attitude and accusations indicate that you have a political agenda.  Again, I invite you to visit Carver Park and speak to the people then tell me what you think and not what you heard.  However, I do find it strange that you can quote the Record when most of your comments indicate that the Record does not deal fairly and accurately with Hackensack.

Hackensack Discussion / Re: Civilian Complaint Review Board
« on: July 21, 2005, 09:05:40 AM »
Let's talk the truth.  The meeting at the park was for members of that neighborhood.  The majority of the individuals who attended were not even registered voters.  Their opinion was that their views are not addressed and even if they were voters nothing could come of it.  The flyers were distributed only in that neighborhood.  As for supporting the losers of the past campagin.  Some did some did not.  The issue is beyond something political.  To simplify it to that is ridiculous.  In fact, a wife of one of the persons running for election against the present administration was asked to leave the meeting for that reason.

Let's talk about the facts not something you think happened at that meeting.  Clearly, if this was a political agenda, this issue would have stopped after the election.  If the opponents of the current administration had won, they would have to address the same issues.   In fact, I invite them to address the issue now.

Again, I invite the losers, the winners and any residents to come out to the park and take your own survey.  This is not only an issue addressed here on the pages of this forum.  It is a topic that has been brought across the pulpits of the black churches by its ministers. 

The new mayor and council does represent the entire community.  No one is challenging that.  I myself wish them well and intend to continue to do my part in volunterism.  While I do not belong to HAPADA or any of the appointed counsels, there are some organizers of groups supporting this civilian review board who do belong to those various boards.  I work with various fraternal, social and non-profit organizations who promote the well-being of children and adults in this town and will continue to do that no matter who is in office.  Those organizations have instituted and/or sponsored recreational teams, scholarships, employment seminars, drug awareness and prevention groups among other things.

Hackensack Discussion / Re: Karma Rating
« on: July 20, 2005, 08:41:25 PM »
Thank you for explaining the system and its glitch.  I thought the ratings were crazy also.

Hackensack Discussion / Karma Rating
« on: July 20, 2005, 09:53:42 AM »
As you can see, I just posted the previous message.  I am a little confused by the Karma rating since I was the only member on line at the time I posted it and am the only one on line now a few minutes later and my Karma rating is -21.  My understanding of the ratings is individuals are allowed to make comments by hitting the clap or boo next to the comment.  What 21 members were there reviewing this the instant I commented.  None are logged on as yet.

Hackensack Discussion / Re: Civilian Complaint Review Board
« on: July 20, 2005, 09:47:08 AM »
I am not sure if you were in attendance at Carver Park.  I was.  While the police chief did answer many of the questions, there were some that were not answered.  Chief Zisa is aware of those questions and hopefully he will follow up with the organizers of that meeting to address those issues.  I was one of those in attendance and agree that the Hackensack Police Department is one of the most professional departments around.  However, there are a few bad apples that may spoil the whole bunch (at least peceptually).  These individuals need to be brought into line.  There is no overt attempt to create controversy.  Our hope is to prevent any.  To say that those who are requesting this review board are simply looking to create controversy where none exists, is certainly unfounded.  Come out to the park and take your own survey.  There is a problem.  However, it is not a problem that cannot be corrected. 

Hackensack Discussion / Re: Civilian Complaint Review Board
« on: July 15, 2005, 08:39:49 AM »
I agree Eric.  My suggestion is not a vendetta against the police.  It is basically a checks and balance system.  The marjority of law enforcement officers in Hackensack do their job in a professional manner and should be commended.  Many in the minority and immigrant population of Hackensack are afraid to file a complaint against an officer for fear of retaliation or the belief that nothing will be done about it.  In a meeting with the police chief held a Carver Park, 30 or so individuals addressed the chief concerning numerous incidences involving one particular officer.  Some of these individuals stated that they went to the station to file a complaint and were told (not so nicely) that they could not.   The institution of a complaint review board would allow those individuals to make the complaint.  After reviewing the data, the board would then rule on the validity of the complaint, dismiss it if not substantiated and if substantiated give recommendations to the police chief who would have the final decision as to what remedies are to be made.  The issue here is accountability. 

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