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Messages - hamburglar

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Hackensack Discussion / Re: City Council Election (Updated 5/11/05)
« on: May 15, 2005, 07:37:57 PM »
I know it's hard for most people to understand how The Rag can be so obsessed with an election that's over and how they can be so heartless toward a beloved figure who passed away. Maybe I can help explain it. First of all, they don't get the concept of being loved and respected by other people. We're talking about Malcolm Borg here. Do you think that if he didn't have money, his family would even like him? So the disrespect is easy to figure out. About the election. Average Joe was right on with the Borg's Woods reference. After Borg tried to gut Borg's Woods to jam in a couple of hundred townhouses and got blocked by a group which Mayor Zisa was part of, he never stopped denigrating Hackensack and Mayor Zisa. Every time Zisa got re-elected, Borg got a little crazier. By the time this election came around, the Rag decided to become part of the campaign team of "Citizens that hate Zisa". When they got blown out in the election after The Rag's way-out-on-a-limb-as-far-as-you-go endorsement, Borg must have been bawling and stamping his feet like the kids who lose the T-Ball game. So he orders his prat boy, Mike Kelly, to get a few shots in concerning the "election results that The Rag just cannot accept." My favorite comment was the "16 years of uninspiring leadership and CIA-like secrecy." I guess that's the kind of government we like in Hackensack, Mikey, 'cause we're not smart like you. I won't even go into the rest of his tantrum column or his incredibly bizarre theories, I'll just leave Mikey and Malcolm with this advice: Malcolm, you're not going to have a lot of happy election nights in Hackensack because Hackensack voters apparently DON'T LISTEN TO YOU! Mikey, you can take the aluminum foil off your head. The space aliens have already taken over. 

Hackensack Discussion / Re: City Council Election (Updated 5/10/05)
« on: May 11, 2005, 04:05:29 AM »
Kudos to Eric Martindale for his insightful analysis of the City Council election. His proclamation that New Visions had been outcampaigned by Citizens for Change and that they wish they could do it over again along with his prediction of a sweep by Citizens for Change left him off the mark by only 5 council seats. Good call.

Hackensack Discussion / Re: City Council Election (Updated 5/8/05)
« on: May 09, 2005, 10:25:22 PM »
I think that WestARick is on to something. If we vote here, can we save a trip to the polls tomorrow and go to the beach? I've been wrestling with this decision throughout the campaign and going back and forth in my mind. Do I vote for the 5 people who have never done anything for our community or the 5 who have sacrificed their time and effort over many years for our city. Oh, the confusion! I think I'll take a shot with the ones who have been involved in our city instead of the ones who appeared one day to tell us how lousy and corrupt our city is and that we should put them on the city council to fix it.                                                                                                                     #1.DeFalco, #2.Sasso,#3.Meneses,#4.Townes,#5Melfi

Hackensack Discussion / Re: City Council Election (Updated 5/8/05)
« on: May 08, 2005, 11:14:06 AM »
Now that the Record has weighed in, I can make up my mind who to vote for. The Record has been such a great friend to our community and is known for their complete objectivity. I foolishly was going to vote for the New Visions team because they all have been an active part of our community for decades.  I have never seen any of the "Citizens for Grumpy Old Men" team at any civic event or community program ever. Maybe because they spend most of their time working on their court cases, who knows. I didn't realize just how qualified they are to run our city until I read the Record's glowing endorsement. According to The Record, Jenny Marin actually collected the 10 signatures necessary to run for Bd of Ed. (Oops, she lost.) Calvin Coles actually lives in the house his grandfather built. Wow. Sounds like they should already start thinking about running for higher office with those qualifications. New Visions sure had me fooled. All those years that they spent volunteering for local programs and events, I thought they really liked helping our kids and our community. I never knew that they were stooges bought and paid for by special interests. Shows you how much I know.

Hackensack Discussion / Re: City Council Election (Updated 4/27/05)
« on: May 07, 2005, 09:09:38 AM »
I think Pinkstreet was confused with "vote 6 to 10 and say amen."  It should be vote 6 to 10 for "grumpy old men."  Vote 1 to 5 for a council that's alive.

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