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Messages - NotAComet

Pages: [1]
Hackensack Discussion / Re: City Council Election (Updated 5/8/05)
« on: May 08, 2005, 10:41:29 AM »
Certainly you can object to the conclusions but the arguments the Record used seem fairly valid.  The New Visions slate has not provided any specific plans.  Their campaign has been almost all negative and misleading.  It doesn't appear the candidates temselves are in charge of the campaign.  They have some strong candidates with a long history of community involvement, particularly Defalco, Sasso and Townes.  They should have let these candidates run on their own merits.  Win or lose, they have likely further divided the city.

Hackensack Discussion / Re: City Council Election (Updated 4/27/05)
« on: May 05, 2005, 09:24:08 PM »
It is a shame that the campaign has taken such a negative turn.  There are legitimate issues for the next city council to face but the campaigns have not put forth any specific ideas.  The negative campaigning has overshadowed some very good candidates.  Unfortunately, voters will know little about the individuals when it comes time to vote.

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