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Masonic Temple (State and Warren)

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just watching:
Kudo's to the Mayor & Council for deciding to purchase this building.  I think it's a steal at $700,000.

I would like it if the city can find space in this building to house a City of Hackensack Museum. 

Even if it's just 1000 square feet in the basement, that would be a tremendous step forwards for the city's history.

I'm working on it.  ;)

Related topic: (Methodist Episcopal Church).

Council OKs funding for cultural arts center
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Record

HACKENSACK — Work to convert a State Street building into a cultural arts center will be paid for with a $1.2 million bond approved by the City Council this week.

The city-owned brick structure will get a hydraulic elevator with exterior enclosure, and be made wheelchair-accessible at the front and back entrance, according to the ordinance. Construction of a rear staircase, bathrooms, ramps and railings are also planned.

The renovations are needed for the building at State and Atlantic streets to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Those repairs are expected to cost about $525,120.

The improvements will also include the construction of a public park on the church's parking lot, which faces Atlantic Street, City Manager Stephen Lo Iacono said. That part of the project, estimated at $674,880, will include the demolition of current curbing and landscaping, the ordinance states.

"It's going to be a park-like setting," he said. "Maybe there will be a gazebo."

The majority of the bond will be paid off with grants, said Lo Iacono and City Attorney Joseph Zisa.

Councilman John Labrosse, who voted against the plan to bond for the money to purchase the property last year, said he is in favor of the latest bond because grants will cover costs. He said he is looking forward to seeing the building house the arts. The new park, he said, could likely be the site for the city's outdoor concerts, which are now held at The Green across the street from the county courthouse.

"I think it's a perfect location and it fits great for the plan on Main Street,"' he said, referring to the special business district's plans to revive the downtown.

The building was once a church and most recently home to the Masons Pioneer Lodge 70, until the city bought the property for $710,000 in April 2010. When city officials announced the purchase, they said they hoped that plays, concerts, poetry readings and lectures that will be held at the site would also draw more people to the shopping district.

Hackensack's Cultural Arts Center is now located in a church building on Broadway, and Lo Iacono said the plan is to move all of its programs to State Street once improvements are completed. The offices for the Recreation Department will also move to the building, he said.

Gregory Liosi, the city's superintendent of recreation and artistic productions, could not be reached Friday.

Other local organizations have inquired about leasing space in the building, but Lo Iacono said it's too soon to discuss who else may occupy the 9,000-square-foot space.

The city manager said he also did not know what's in store for the church building, which now houses the cultural arts center.


A site plan of 102 State St. in Hackensack, N.J.
(Courtesy of DMR Architects)

HACKENSACK, N.J. -- DMR Architects has started the redevelopment of 102 State St. in Hackensack, which will open as a cultural arts center. The site is home of a former Masonic Temple. Constructed in 1870, the temple was previously vacant, for sale and in arrears. In 2010, the City of Hackensack purchased the building and hired DMR to complete two phases of work. The building is nearing completion of the first phase.

The second phase of work will include renovations to the second floor of the facility, delivering a performing arts center upon completion. In addition, an adjacent parking lot will be renovated to become a public park with outdoor performance space.



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