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My favorite paper is not having a good day

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FIVES & FLUBS (continued):

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more Fives & Flubs

Only five 5s? I won't say they're finally cutting down because if I do, there'll be 20 next time.

Happy Halloween! How come these things scare everyone but editors, publishers and investors?

1,2. These two headlines are bad enough by themselves, but...........

3. ............things sink to a new level when they're both on the same page.

4, 5. Change of seasonal ineptness as baseball fades and basketball rises

6,7,8. Blah, blah and blah

9. This shows that ALL the problems aren't restricted to the sports section.

As usual, moron-mania follows.

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Fives & Flubs

Sorry - there is just SO much stupidity this time around that there is no room for the frequent Fives.

Let's start with a horrible Hackensack Chronicle flub.

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FIVES & FLUBS (Chapter 346)

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