Author Topic: Main St Photowalk 10-8-22  (Read 1657 times)

Offline BLeafe

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    • Bob Leafe Photography
Main St Photowalk 10-8-22
« on: October 14, 2022, 03:59:58 PM »
For the most part, I'm looking for things I haven't seen before or that have changed...............

1. On my way over to Main, I noticed these contrasting US flags at either end of the PANO shot (as usual, click all PANO shots to fully enlarge). Why does the left one have no wind and is at half-staff, while the right one is flapping away at full-staff?

2. Cropped and enhanced version of #1.

3. I'm standing in the middle of Berry St between Main and State to take a PANO of the entire block-long project.

4. Closer to Main St, I saw an opening in the fence, took 2 steps in and took another PANO:

5. Here's another PANO - taken from across Main St - that shows the current view:

6. You meet some strange people on Main St. This cute snob wouldn't even talk to me.

7. 99 cents, huh? Looks good from across the street until you zoom in on that small sign in the window.

8. If that jogger had been running to the left when I took this left-to-right PANO - which will NOT enlarge as much as the others because it's a small part of a much larger image - he might look as thin as the right-to-left walking pedestrian.

9. Anybody recall what the painted-over store name was? Maybe it's now a Target outlet store.............

10. This sounds like the name of a mall in Vietnam.

11. Somebody didn't go to business school.

12. I had never seen this store name before.

13. This place always has an interesting variety of figures in its window (it's got a new one in the upper left), but it would have been better to have taken this shot in the afternoon when the sun wouldn't be illuminating the storefronts across the street.

14. Playing with PANO

15. How many years has this lot been like this? I think it's time to build something here.

16. Looks like they sell a lot of junk in this store.

17. PANO makes a big truck bigger, but I noticed a problem above the truck (next pic).

18. I time-stamped it and zoomed in.

19. THAT reminded me of a similar problem that was one street over about a block that I showed here months ago. Remember the clock at the bus depot that didn't exactly help anyone with bus schedules? You HAVE to have accurate clocks at transportation facilities where every vehicle runs on a strict schedule.

So maybe it was just the one clock that happened to be way off on the day I photographed it. Time to walk over there and check it out.

OMG! Here are the clocks on BOTH sides of the building...................BOTH way off! Why wasn't this immediately fixed? How sloppy does THIS look?

20. Guess what? It's apparently a local disease that's spreading to other transportation facilities in town! Here's a time-stamped shot of the clock at the Anderson St train station.

How are these problems the least bit helpful to the bus and train riders? Why have clocks at these facilities if no one's willing to make sure they can tell proper time?

Let's see how long it takes before these clocks get fixed.

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